Drilling Down Into Simplifya Robust Cannabis Compliance From Marion Mariathasan: CEO

Warren Bobrow=WB: Where are you from? What did you do originally? Why Cannabis? 

Marion Mariathasan=MM: I’m originally from the island nation of Sri Lanka. Prior to Simplifya, I was an entrepreneur who started, built and sold tech companies in various industries outside of cannabis. Cannabis is a natural plant that has been demonized for all the wrong reasons. We still don’t understand all the medical benefits and properties of this plant and yet it has helped so many people around the world. While I think it’s smart to regulate it, it needs to be legalized and made available to all citizens of this planet. I wanted to be able to not only help advocate for it, but also to help those who are actually doing the hard work be able to focus on moving this industry ahead without having to constantly worry about the ever-changing regulations.


Read more on : https://www.forbes.com/sites/warrenbobrow/2020/05/06/drilling-down-into-simplifya-robust-cannabis-compliance-from-marion-mariathasan-ceo/#3623bcb6128c

Drilling Down Into Simplifya Robust Cannabis Compliance From Marion Mariathasan: CEO